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Headquarter and Corporate Services
Honiara Solomon Islands

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Friday, 14 March

The Business and Cooperatives Development Division is a division of the Ministry of Commerce, Industries, Labour and Immigration (MCILI). The Division is headed by a Director who is responsible for the overall management and administration of the functions of the Division’s two Units. These Units are the Business Unit, which is concerned with the development of support and advisory services for micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and business associations. These associations range from interest groups such as women’s associations to community and constituency associations. The Division’s other Unit is the Cooperative Society Unit. This Unit focuses on the registering and auditing as well as the promotion of cooperative societies as a business model that has the potential to foster economic growth in rural areas. Apart from maintaining a register for these cooperative societies as well as ensuring that they are properly audited in accordance with Cooperative Act (Cap 164), its By-laws and principles, the Cooperative Society Unit also works with the Business Unit and other Divisions within the Ministry of Commerce to provide advisory and support services such as trainings and advice on how to access finance for its registered cooperative societies.

The Division carries out a number of core functions that aim to support and help develop local SMEs, associations and cooperative societies operating in Solomon Islands. These functions are:

  • Training and Development Program (T&DP)
  • Research and Development (R&D) to urban Centers, Provinces and Constituencies
  • Promotion and establishment of Associations
  • Administer the Cooperative Societies Act (Cap 164) and its related By-laws
  • Promote the 7 Cooperative Society principles
  • Registration and liquidation of Cooperative Societies
  • Auditing, Inspection and Accounting for Cooperative Societies
  • Conciliation and Arbitration (Cooperatives)
  • Development and review of Policies
  • Reforms and review of relevant legislations
  • Provide support and advisory services for the Solomon Islands Government’s Micro, Small, Medium Enterprise (MSME) Business Loan Scheme

To be amongst the best providers of business services for excellence, innovation, creativity and communicating effectively to transform existing and emerging economic challenges affecting the Solomon Islands.


Our mission is to provide people of Solomon Islands with high quality development services such as Research & Development (R&D), Training (T&D), Promotion and Establishment of Associations, and review of the Cooperative Movement in the country while at the same time improving and creating a strong community link for service delivery. We also trust our employees through proposition of skills transfer, development and use of the latest technology in our operations to improve economic advancement of Solomon Islands.

Policy Goal

Promote and enhance economic growth through the creation of increased business opportunity.

Expected Outcomes
  • Increase business opportunities for Solomon Islanders.
  • Improved rural sector participation in commercial development.
  • An Improved and efficient business environment.
  • Increased employment opportunities.
  • A strong, effective and efficient Private Sector.
  • Increase rural income generating activities for Solomon Islanders.
  • Decentralization and strengthening of development activities 
Program Strategies
  • Extensive constituency base financial and enterprise training for development of Business skills.
  • Research and development (R&D) to urban, Provinces and Constituencies.
  • Promotion and Establishment of Constituency Business Associations.
  • Establishment of SME Hubs, Economic Growth Centre and Provincial Business Federations, Provincial Chamber of Commerce, and National Solomon Islands Business Council.
Key Activities and Plans
  • Conducting of Rural Financial Literacy Training for new & existing small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Constituencies.
  • Support existing and new SMEs with accessing finance, Capacity building through advisory institutions.
  • Conduct follow-up visits, mentoring and advice to businesses in Constituencies.
  • Support and advisory services for Cooperative Societies
  • Auditing of Cooperative Societies
  • Set up Economic Growth Centers


Knowing More about our Division
